about us

About the laws way

The Laws Way, a distinguished and reputed organisation formed with the objective of providing specialized and dedicated professional services to the Corporate entities in the field of Legal Consultancy, Litigation, Corporate advisory, Chartered Accountant and Secretarial & Intellectual Property Right Services.

The laws way is India’sfirst 24×7 Consultancy Firm with wide range of services. The firm got started in 2021 with an aim to provide 24×7 services to our clients and to help the start-up Entrepreneurs to initiate their business. We always make priority to fulfil our client’s requirements and to be a partner throughout the business lifecycle.

 The Laws Way, under one roof, provides complete package for all the legal, Chartered Accountant and secretarial work. It is a one window solution for all the corporate problems.

We have experienced team of Advocates, Chartered Accountants and Company Secretaries; our team also provide free legal news through the instagram, youtube and facebook in the username of “thelawsway”.